
Age: 24
Bust: 80 C
Clothing: 34
Height: 173
Hairiness: hairless
Nationality: Thailand
Languages: little German, English

Service (included):
Oral by the lady; Sperm on the body; Tender kisses; Sex with disabled people; Change of position; Cuddle sex; if desired, sex with suspenders and high heels; Multiple orgasm; Hand relaxation; Visit to the car, truck, van, caravan or motorway rest area / rest areas

For an extra charge you get:
Vibrator games (active): 10 €
Vibrator games (passive): 10 €
Kissing with tongue: 10 €
Stripping: 10 €
Erotic massage: 15 €
Foot erotic: 10 €
Soft intimate games with your fingers: 10 €
Tantra massage: 10 €
Outdoor sex: 10 €

About me:
I don’t want to be satisfied with half singing. I want you whole and right now. You should better conform to my wishes. In no case do not strain my patience. However, if you are very nice to me, then I can be soft too. Then I’ll make sure you’re okay. I will make you feel good about me. But you really have to earn this kind of attention.